Building & Planning Regulations

> Introduction to the planning process

> Structural Design of Buildings:

> Platforms to access regulations

maps the country, demarcates boundaries, and helps guarantee secure

ownership of Sweden’s real property.

as well as subdivisions or changes in property boundaries.

> Accessibility in the Built Environment 

> The Planning and Building Act PBL (2010:900) and 

The Planning and Building Ordinance PBF (2011:338)

> Obligatory Ventilation Control OVK 

> Boverkets Building Regulations (Byggregler) BBR 


1. Introduction
2. General rules for buildings
3. Accessibility, dwelling design, room height, and utility rooms
4. Mechanical resistance and stability
5. Safety in case of fire
6. Hygiene, health and environment
7. Protection against noise
8. Safety in use
9. Energy management 

> Energy

> Energy

> Environmental Code "MILJÖBALK (1998:808)" 

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