Building & Planning Regulations
> Introduction to the planning process
- General Overview
Spatial planning is about deciding how land and water areas should be used. According to the Planning and Building Act (PBL), different societal interests must be weighed against each other in an open and democratic process, and at the same time, the rights of individuals must be taken into account.
In Sweden, the municipalities are responsible for the physical planning according to PBL. However, planning is also carried out at the municipal and regional levels.
- Free Online Introduction course ( PBL )
A free online introduction course to The Planning and Building Act (PBL) published by Boverket (The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning).
To access the course in English follow the link and scroll down to: PBL, THE SWEDISH PLANNING AND BUILDING ACT. INTRODUCTION COURSE IN ENGLISH.
> Structural Design of Buildings:
The European construction standards (Eurocodes), together with the national choices in the Boverket Series of Provision on the Application of European Construction Standards (EKS) constitute the only system for structural design of building works in Sweden.
- European Construction Standards (Eurocodes) in Swedish
EUROCODES: People who work or reside in Sweden can access the Swedish translations of the Eurocodes through a license agreement between Boverket and SIS.
- Application of the European Construction Standards EKS 11
EKS 11: the English version is strictly for information only. The legally binding text is found under the Swedish link.
> Platforms to access regulations
- Urban Plans and Special Area Regulations
Each municipality prepares and adopts general plans, detailed development plans, and special area regulations. It is also responsible for water, sewage, and waste.
At the municipal technical offices ("SBK" - STADSBYGGNADSKONTORET) you can find the urban plans (DETALJPLAN) and the special area regulations
(PLANBESKRIVNING). By now all municipalities have a digital section on their website that can be logged into with an electronic identity and from which one can download all the necessary documents, including previous building permits that have been submitted for the area of interest.
As an example, here you will find the link to the technical office of Stockholm.
- General Guidelines
BOVERKET (the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning) is the national authority that has the task of guiding, investigating, and analysing issues that concern urban planning, building, and housing. It is responsible for the follow-up of the application of the Planning and Building Act, PBL, and has the right to decide on general guidelines regarding the planning and building legislation. Boverket's Building Regulations, BBR, is an example of such regulations and general guidelines.
In the link to Boverket's web page, you will find the links to the various specific regulations issued.
For information regarding Building Permits, please see the separate folder "Building Permits
- Maps of Properties
LANTMÄTERIET (the Swedish Cadastral and Land Registration Authority)
maps the country, demarcates boundaries, and helps guarantee secure
ownership of Sweden’s real property.
It also provides services for surveying,
as well as subdivisions or changes in property boundaries.
> Accessibility in the Built Environment
Accessibility is governed by several different sets of regulations, some of which are managed by other agencies.
The tab "Elaboration" at the top of the page under this link provides a description of who is responsible for what.
> The Planning and Building Act PBL (2010:900) and
The Planning and Building Ordinance PBF (2011:338)
The Planning and Building Act, PBL, and the Planning and Building Ordinance, PBF, contain provisions on the planning of land and water areas, and on construction.
This translation covers the Planning and Building Act (2010:900) including amendments up to SFS 2016:537 and the Planning and Building Ordinance (2011:338) including amendments up to SFS 2016:773. It is strictly for information only. The legally binding text is found under the Swedish link.
> Obligatory Ventilation Control OVK
An Obligatory Ventilation Control, OVK, must be carried out regularly, in all buildings. The purpose is to show that the indoor climate is good and that the ventilation systems are functioning. The control must be carried out by a certified inspector. The controller must also provide suggestions on how to reduce energy consumption for ventilation without giving rise to a poorer indoor environment.
The links provide an overview of the regulations. You may also choose to read Boverket's full code for OVK (in Swedish only).
> Boverkets Building Regulations (Byggregler) BBR
Boverket's Building Regulations, BBR, are applicable when you build a new building or alter an existing building. BBR consists of details on how to fulfill 8 of the 10 technical characteristics of construction works and also how to fulfill the design requirements for buildings.
These include both mandatory provisions that you have to fulfill as well as general recommendations that state how you may fulfill the mandatory provisions. You can choose other solutions than the ones stated in the general recommendations but the verification that you need to perform in order to make sure that the mandatory provisions are fulfilled will be more extensive.
The BBR is divided into 9 chapters:
1. Introduction
2. General rules for buildings
3. Accessibility, dwelling design, room height, and utility rooms
4. Mechanical resistance and stability
5. Safety in case of fire
6. Hygiene, health and environment
7. Protection against noise
8. Safety in use
9. Energy management
Note: Version, BBR 26, BFS 2018:4, is not the latest version, though it is the most recent publised version currently available in English. Check back for updates. The more current version and legally binding text is found under the Swedish link.
- Accessibility and Dwelling Design (Tillgänglighet och Bostads utformning)
Housing and premises must function and be accessible to most people. New homes must be designed so that daily life works. The rules that apply are primarily in the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's building rules, the Planning and Building Act and in the Planning and Building Ordinance.
These requirements are found in BBR (Boverket's Building Regulations)
chapter 3.
- Fire Protection (Brandskydd)
BBR chapter 5 contains safety regulations for fire protection.
There are two ways of designing a building's fire protection:
1. Pre-accepted solutions.
2. Deviate from the pre-accepted solutions and use fire safety engineering here called analytical design to verify that the solutions fulfill the mandatory provisions in BBR.You will find the pre-accepted solutions in the general recommendations in BBR, and you will find how to use and verify analytical design in Boverket's general recommendations on the analytical design of a building's fire protection, BBRAD.
Note: The translation is strictly for information only. The legally binding text is found in Boverket's Code of Statutes in Swedish.
- Safety in Use (Säkerhet)
All buildings and plots must be designed so that they prevent accidents and are safe for both adults and children. Therefore, they must meet the safety requirements contained in laws, regulations and various rules.
- Indoor Environment (Inomhusmiljö)
Many factors affect human health and the indoor environment. Therefore, the water, sewerage, lighting, and ventilation of buildings must be of good quality. Moisture, radon, and noise can have a negative effect on health and must be prevented and remedied.
- Building Standards in BBR
- Control Manager (Kontrollansvarig)
For build, demolish or carry out earthworks may need a control manager, (Kontrollansvarig ), for your project.
You do not need a control manager if you only have to make small changes or when you perform an action that requires neither permission nor notification.
The control manager ensures the proposal complies with all relevant building legislation, and among other things, helps to draw up a control plan KONTROLLPLAN, ensuring it is followed and that the necessary controls are carried out.
> Energy
> Energy
- Energy Declaration (Energideklaration)
The Energy Declaration for Buildings Act (2006: 985) contains provisions for which buildings are obliged to declare energy. There are also rules about when an energy declaration should be prepared, and how it should be displayed when renting and selling.
The Act states that Boverket must have a register of all prepared energy declarations. The Act also contains provisions on supervision, fines and appeals against the supervisory authority's decisions.
- Energy Measurement (Energimätning)
The Energy Measurement in Buildings Act (2014: 267) contains provisions for the individual measurement of energy in apartments.
> Environmental Code "MILJÖBALK (1998:808)"
The Environmental Code aims to promote sustainable development to ensure current and future generations are assured a healthy and good environment.